В британских службах безопасности и разведки МИ-6, МИ-5 и Центре правительственной связи (GCHQ) прошёл стажировку герцог Кембриджский и главный претендент на королевский престол — принц Уильям.

По данным Кенсингтонского дворца, на протяжении трёх недель Уильям изучал методы работы по защите национальной безопасности, борьбу с угрозами терроризма, а также ведение радиоэлектронной разведки и информационную защиту правительства и вооружённых сил страны.

Время, проведённое внутри наших служб безопасности и разведки, большее понимание жизненно важного вклада в нашу национальную безопасность, было поистине поучительным опытом, — поделился впечатлениями принц Уильям.

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The Duke of Cambridge has concluded a three week attachment to the UK’s Security and Intelligence Agencies (MI5, MI6 and @GCHQ). The attachment comes as the three security services continue their vital work both at home and abroad to keep our people and our allies safe. The Duke of Cambridge said: “Spending time inside our security and intelligence agencies, understanding more about the vital contribution they make to our national security, was a truly humbling experience. These agencies are full of people from everyday backgrounds doing the most extraordinary work to keep us safe. They work in secret, often not even able to tell their family and friends about the work they do or the stresses they face. They are driven by an unrivalled patriotism and dedication to upholding the values of this country. We all owe them deep gratitude for the difficult and dangerous work they do.” The Duke’s assignment began with a week at the Secret Intelligence Service MI6 who work secretly overseas, developing foreign contacts and gathering intelligence that helps to make the UK safer and more prosperous. They help the UK identify and exploit opportunities as well as navigate risks to its national security, military effectiveness and economy. His second week was spent at the Security Service MI5 where he saw their work to protect our national security, particularly against threats from terrorism. He finished his assignment at the Government Communications Headquarters in Cheltenham, where he spent time with those using cutting-edge technology, technical ingenuity and wide-ranging partnerships to identify, analyse and disrupt threats. With the threat level for international terrorism in the UK set at SEVERE or above for the last five years, the Duke was keen to see first-hand the extraordinary work that staff across the Security and Intelligence Agencies do — visit @GCHQ to find out more about the work of Government Communications Headquarters in Cheltenham.

Публикация от Kensington Palace (@kensingtonroyal)

После завершения стажировки глава отдела GCHQ по борьбе с терроризмом отметил «исключительно усердную» работу представителя королевской семьи.

Ранее News.ru писал о том, что пользователи долгое время обсуждали дырявую обувь принца Уильяма. Его брат принц Гарри также был замечен недавно в прохудившихся башмаках. Конфуз приключился с принцем Уильямом во время его выступления на Всемирном экономическом форуме в Давосе.