Авианосец ВМС США времён Второй мировой войны обнаружили на дне Кораллового моря (Тихий океан). Экспедицией руководил один из основателей Microsoft — Пол Аллен.

USS Wasp, предположительно, погиб в 1942 году. Обломки «плавучего города» покоятся на глубине около 4 км, пишет «Ридус».

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Overnight, RV Petrel announced they had located the wreck of USS Wasp (CV-7), sunk en route to the Solomons by I-19 on 15 September 1942. The same spread damaged the battleship North Carolina and the destroyer O’Brien; one of the volunteer gentlemen I met aboard USS Kidd this past November was on board O’Brien when she was torpedoed in this event. O’Brien would sink weeks later as a result of her keel twisting to failure; North Carolina would make for repairs. Wasp took 176 men down with her, and has remained lost until now; images shows her 20mm and 1.1” AA armament, her Pilot House, port-side anchor with her bow buried in mud, a helmet on deck, and aircraft likely from her hangar. Though depth information has not been released, the ship does seem to have broken in at least one location, although scans of the wreck show the wreckage all in one place making the vessel appear to be intact. Thanks as always to @rv_petrel for their incredible work documenting & sharing the history of the seas and the men that sailed them.

Публикация от Battleships and Navy History (@haze_grey_history)

Корабль атаковала японская субмарина I-19. В корпус попали две торпеды, после чего авианосец начал тонуть. 

Жертвами крушения стали 176 членов экипажа, ранения получили 366 человек. 

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New R/V Petrel discovery: USS Wasp (CV-7) . . Read more in the New York Times Magazine article linked in our bio. . On January 14, 2019 the R/V Petrel team located the wreck of the USS Wasp. . Sunk on September 15, 1942. Initially hit by the Japanese Submarine I-19. A spread of 6 torpedoes were fired. Three hit Wasp, 1 hit USS O’Brien and another hit USS North Carolina. Abandoned later that afternoon, the Wasp was eventually scuttled by torpedoes from the USS Lansdowne. 171 Navy crew, 4 Marines and 1 Civilian were casualties of this action. . Photo 1: USS Wasp (CV-7) . Photo 2: Port side anchor . Photo 3: Pilot house. . Photo 4: 5” gun director. . Stay tuned for more photos including sonar imagery of the wreck of the USS Wasp. . Check out our Facebook page for the latest photos and videos. . . #rvpetrel #marine #ocean #picoftheday #searesearch #researchvessel #rov #auv #shipwreck #offshore #marinetechnology #autonomousvehicle #autonomous #robot #underwaterrobot #marineoperations #robotics #teampetrel #shiplife #paulallen #vulcan #usswasp #usswaspcv7 #cv7 #wwii #wwiihistory

Публикация от Research Vessel Petrel (@rv_petrel)

Ранее News.ru сообщал, что исследовательское судно «Петрел» обнаружило место гибели американского авианосца USS Hornet («Хорнет»), который был потоплен японской авиацией в 1942 году в Тихом океане. Его корпус лежит на глубине 5100 м недалеко от Соломоновых островов.